“I engaged Leon Ruri after seeing him present at a conference celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the Perth Chapter of the NZ Maori Women’s Welfare League held in Wellard, Perth. April 2019. What struck me about Leon was his genuine care when he spoke, he talked firstly about women and importance to society and the respect that must be given, the way he delivered that message was honest, truthful and from a place of knowing. Leon then shared his own Mental Health journey, and as I listened to him, I knew that he was connecting with every single person in the room.

Leon does not need to talk about his mining history, or his own mental health journey, he talks to the person behind the shirt. He has a way of looking at you and directly into you, he sends his message of knowing without being intrusive, he sees you and he’s here for you! I knew he would have an effect on our site based personell, and he did. I have seen many Mental Health presentations at BHP, I have been with the company 9 years, and no one is this open, honest and direct, yet caring and understanding at the same time.

Leon makes our frontline think about supporting each other, as we are the best judges of our peers well-being, he talks to , lets commit to creating a safe to speak up culture within our crews,  lets commit to not trash talking behind each other’s back, let’s do more and be more.”

Leanne Kukutai - BHP Culture and Inclusion Specialist (Jimblebar Mine)

“Leon recently met with and completed a workshop with our lead team and 300 trades people, touching on some really important issues to our work force. He was a really engaging speaker and his story and advice powerfully resonated with our staff. We had many positive comments afterwards and would highly recommend him to any other business.”

Jules Moore - Program Manager BAE Systems

“After hearing Leon speak at a session in Port Hedland 12 months ago, it was a no brainer to engage him to speak with our other depots. In the first session, Leon stated that no two engagements were the same, and having now been involved in four to date, I can confirm this isn't just a throwaway line. Leon has a unique ability to read people and adapt his approach to suit his audience. This is evident in the way he is able to not only able to get people to listen, but how he creates a safe environment where people actively participate and share experiences, feelings and emotions. Since Leon's visit, we have had people realize that they aren't alone and proactively seek professional help which is a testament to his engagement. I look forward to continuing to see the positive impact Leon influenced our team with!”

Brendan Meagher - Veolia Manager Industrials (WA North)

“Leon’s approach of real is exactly that, real. Something I saw through my work, is missing in today’s approach to Mental Health. I have observed and experienced with Leon the impact and positive growth that his approach has. Leon recently completed a day workshop in my now workplace, with our crew, (men working regional WA, long hours, some FIFO) and feedback from the crew was all positive. Team bonding along with realizations about choices and options available for all, renewed outlooks on life and its challenges happened. Any company looking to create a healthier workplace environment, structure and or experience for better Men’s Mental Health, Leon is the MAN!”

Francine De Gaye - Veolia (Karratha)

“Leon Ruri is an open, kind hearted and powerful human being. Doing amazing healing and transformation work in the world, Leon does the work on himself first. If you ever get a chance to work with Leon one on one or in a group setting, I highly recommend you take up the opportunity.

Personally, Leon has helped me become a more direct communicator. His mere presence combine with expert knowledge in how to communicate super directly, and from the heart, has been a poignant reminder for me - I get to create my reality through language that I use and the conscious intentions that I set.

I have had some ginormous break through’s in communicating more authentically with my family and friends in the past few months. Thanks to some of the epic conversations with and support from Leon. I will be forever grateful to him for that.

Leon has an amazing ability to ask just the right questions, at just the right times. If you’re seriously willing to get really honest with yourself, dramatically up-level your communication skills and therefore improve your relationships across the board, get in touch with Leon right now!

He is talented at getting straight to the heart of the issue and supporting with tools that promote personal responsibility and genuine solutions.”

Kate Whelan (Queensland)

“Leon Ruri has an amazing ability to listen and communicate effectively. His communication not only comes with compassion but a desire to inspire and empower others. Leon communications directly and is able to clearly and powerfully articulate his message. Most importantly Leon is a man of integrity who will go above and beyond to stand up for what is important to him and the world.”

Katrina Parker-Cooper (New Zealand)

“As I reflect on Leon’s visit to our school whilst speaking to our staff, I found that as a regular listener to Leon that he was as true with his words in the live feeds as he is in person. Leon’s passion for connecting with people really stood out and he challenged all of us to look within ourselves and own our truths. He has a very special way of connecting with all kinds of people and the fact that people went to him during breaks and at the end of the day shows that he build rapport with them in a short space of time. Leon challenged us to think about the way we communicate in teams and in our personal lives. After listening to him it has encouraged me to look at the way I see my role in the school community, in life, how I see others and to speak my truth.”

Rhondda Tittums - St Luke’s College (Karratha)

“Thank you for spending the day with us at St Luke’s College Leon. You really gave me a lot to think about and reflect upon. The way you connected with your audience was an inspiration for those of us who try to do the same each day as teachers. You clearly have a passion for what you share and what you’d like us to become. I look forward to meeting with you again.”

Jason - St Luke’s College Health and PE Head of Learning (Karratha)